CONTENT: Gallery Plugin

The Gallery plugin provides a way to display multiple images in a grid format, allowing users to view a number of images at once in a 'gallery' type viewing.

Adding a Gallery

To add a new plugin to a page, select the "+" (General Plugins) icon in the left hand side menu.

Locate the Gallery plugin and drag and drop it onto the page, into whichever content block you would like it.

Once you have done this, the Gallery modal will pop up - which provides you with the ability to add information to the timeline.

Setting up the plugin

  • Columns - this number defines the number of columns that you want to split the gallery into - the more columns, the smaller the images will be.
  • Gap between images (px) - put a numerical figure in here to define the size of the gap between each of the images in the gallery - for example '20' if you want a 20 pixel gap.
  • Border colour - this defines the colour of the border around each of the gallery images. Note that the border will only show if the border width > 0.
  • Border width - define the size of the border width (in pixels), e.g. 2 = 2 pixels wide.
  • Add image - Use the "Add Image" button to add more images to your Gallery.
  • Upload an image - Use the file selector to select a file that has been uploaded to the file manager to display.
  • Caption an image - use the field below the image selector to define a caption. Captions show once you click into a gallery image to make it larger.

Once you are finished making changes to your gallery select Save Plugin, then remember to Save or Undo your changes at the top of the page in the Jolojo top bar once you have previewed the Gallery.