Welcome to Jolojo.help

Our aim is to make website creation and management as simple as possible.

Please take the time to sign up to our updates mailing list, this will be the best place to hear about improvements as we release them.

Quick start

  1. Sign up for a website
    Visit www.jolojo.uk, choose a template, and then verify your email address.
    Once verified, we will create the site.
    You will then create your password, this process will also log you in.

  2. Edit some content
    Select the pencil icon (top left under the home icon).
    Edit away!
    Save the page with the save icon or Ctrl + S

  3. PLAY
    You can't really go wrong, so just play and have fun!

See our YouTube channel for video how-to's: https://www.youtube.com/@Jolojo-cms/videos

Recommended first read help pages

To get up to speed super quickly, these help pages are recommended to be ready first:

Use this site to help you with any issues you have regarding how to use Jolojo; if you have any more questions after looking through the guides then get in touch with us at yo@jolojo.com