Add GA4 Via Google Tag Manager

The testimonial plugin allows you to display a list of quotes from your clients/customers in a slideshow. You choose the content and the authors to go in the slides alongside any images you like.

The testimonials plugin allowes you to present my customers' reviews in an easy, simple to use fashion.

Select the Add new plugins icon on the left hand side tool bar and choose the Testimonials plugin.

Click and drag the plugin until it snaps into a content block area you have added on the page

Editing the testimonial will bring up a modal, which is explained below:

Testimonials Plugin

  • Show thumbnails - this determines whether or not the image thumbnails underneath the testimonials will show. It will only show thumbnails for those that have one associated.
  • Add testimonial - Use this button to add a new testimonial to the list of existing ones. When you first open the modal, this means adding a second - as there is already an empty testimonial when you create the plugin.
  • Editing a testimonial - Use the "Author" field to define who wrote the quote, use the "Content" field to define the content that will show on the testimonial. Use the "Thumbnail" field to select an image from the file manager to use as the testimonial thumbnail.
  • Deleting a testimonial - Use the delete icon in the top right of a testimonial section to delete the testimonial.
  • To rearrange any of the testimonials you have already added you can drag and drop them by selecting anywhere in the modal and dragging it to the order that you want it.

Once you have finished editing within the modal, select the "Save Plugin" button at the bottom and then select the Save page icon in the top Jolojo bar to confirm your changes after previewing the plugin.