Admin > Config
Admin Sidebar
Use Sidebar - yes/no
Enables the Admin Interface sidebar. On my default.
Robots - allow/disallow
Allows search engines to crawl and index the site. On by default.
Favicon - /enter/file/path/here
Add a path and filename to you preferred Favicon (we suggest 32x32 pixel PNG file), if the file was in the root of the file manager and called favicon.png then the path would be /files/favicon.png
Cookie Banner
Currently this is turned off for all new websites. This can be enabled by emailing
For your contact form(s) to send emails you should keep some of the settings below.
Admin email address - used to send emails to an Admin - not used in standard set-ups (advanced setups such as ecommerce use this)
Default From Address - ADVANCED USERS ONLY - keep the address you are supplied here. If you want to change this to one of your email addresses this will require additional set up, email
Default From Name - The 'Name' field that is carried with the email, this can be set to one of your choice.
Default To Address - Change this to YOUR email address, this is where the contact form will send if it doesn't have its own send to email address.
Terms & Conditions
Not used in standard setup. Auctions and Ecommerce use this.
Login Default Redirect - default value /
Where should a user be directed to when they login.
Session Length - default value 1 (hour)
How long should be user be logged in for. Note - each time a page is loaded this session length resets.
Two-Factor Authentication (One-Time Password)
See Setting up 2FA
Default JPEG Quality - default value 75
Jolojo optimises JPG, PNG and GIF files and distributes them as WEBP - this setting dictates the first pass quality of image files. 75 is recommended in most cases as it offers the best compromise between image quality, compression and download speed.
Google Recaptcha v2
Any content form on Jolojo needs to have a Googe Recaptcha v2 invisible key, these are available from or
Add details as supplied by the Recaptcha service. Use invisible.
Campaign Monitor
Allows integration of the Campaign Monitor email marketing platform. Contact us for a discount on sending
Progressive Web App (PWA)
Out of the box Jolojo is s PWA enabling users to add an icon to their mobile devices or PC/Mac.
Name - The name for the PWA this will be displayed to the end user
Short Name - This is the name under the icon
Icon (192 x 192) - a 192 x 192 pixel icon for your PWA
Icon (512 x 512) - a 512 x 512 pixen icon for your PWA