
Admin > Templates

Jolojo has the ability to serve multiple templates. However the open version of Jolojo just allows the use of a single template. This is still powerful because it can be coupled with the Content Block and Plug-in system using a custom style sheet that is user editable (for those users with CSS experience).

By default Jolojo will be using an in-built stylesheet, if you would like to have access to this and make changes to it, this is how you do it:


Click the Edit icon on the Dafault Template andyou will see the modal below:

Use a custom stylesheet

Click the Use Custom Stylesheet switch and the 'Save Template' - this then creates a custom.css file that is placed in the File Manager in a /stylesheets folder.

This can then be downloaded, edited and re-uploaded.

If you use this alongside the ability to give Content Blocks a Custom Style it is extremely powerful.