The file manager is the area of your site where you will store all files or images that you are showing, linking to or including in any other way on your website. You can easily upload one or many files at a time, and edit their properties within the file manager once uploaded to Jolojo.
File Manager

Uploading a file:
Select the File Manager icon from the top right icon. This will open the file manager modal.
Drag and drop any files that you want on your site from your PC file manager or downloaded files on your browser into the Jolojo file manager or select the "Upload" button to manually browse your PC files to select and upload. Once uploaded, these will be accessible through any means on your site that provides a way to link to files or display images.

Using the file manager - Editing/deleting a file:
Use the "Select" button of the file manager to select which file you would like to edit. Click the top right corner checkbox of a file to select it, once it has been selected you can use the "Edit" button to edit file properties - such as file name, meta title & meta alt (text to help describe an image to those that use screen readers) and scoping for a file in the case of wanting only specific users to have access to a file.
To delete a folder or file, instead of selecting "Edit", instead use "Delete".
Note: Deleting a file will also delete it from anywhere it is shown or linked to on the site. For example, deleting an image will cause an image error to show if it is being used on the site, and deleting a file that is being linked to will cause a 404 error to occur on the link. If there is no "!" in the top right of the file then it means it is being used somewhere on the site.

Using the file manager - Creating a folder:
- Folders can be used to help organise your file manager and all of the files within it. To create a folder, select the "New Folder" button in the bottom right of the file manager.
- Fill out the "Folder Name" field at the top of the modal and select "Create"
- To delete a folder, follow the steps in the section above on "Deleting a file", but replace the file with the folder.