Admin > Linked Data
Linked Data - JSON-LD
Linked Data is JSON-LD within Jolojo and allows you to add structured data for search engines onto your pages.
To add data, click the 'Add Data' button.
Available fields are:
Name - This is the internal name of the linked data
Type - chose from Event, Local Business, Website or Free Text according to your needs.
When event is selected you have the following fields to use:
- Name (of the event)
- URL - website / webpage that gives further information (optional)
- Description
- Start Date
- End Date
- Address - Various fields
Local business
Gives you the following fields:
- Name (of the business)
- Image - used alongside the other fields optionally by aggregators of the JSON-LD (e.g. Google)
- URL - website / webpage that gives further information (optional)
- Description
- Start Date
- End Date
- Address - Various fields
- Opening hours - select days
- Opens at - select time
- Closes at - select time
- Name (of the business or website)
- URL - web address (include http or https)
Free Text - just add your own JSON-LD within the supplied curly braces